Bavinck Lecture

14 juni 2023

Seventh Herman Bavinck Lecture: Hope Beyond the Horrors of Slavery and Race

Wednesday 14 June 2023, 19:30

Venue: Aula of the Theological University Kampen | Utrecht

Plompetorengracht 3, Utrecht

Herman Bavinck Lecture Series

In the Herman Bavinck Lecture series scholars are invited who share Bavinck’s love for the Reformed tradition, are aware of the appeal of his vision of grace as a transforming force in both personal life and in society and culture, and in their scholarly endeavour reflect his deep and Catholic vision of the Christian faith. They are asked to address in their lecture key questions regarding the contribution which Reformed theology can make to church and society in a postmodern world.

Dr. Vince Bacote

Dr. Bacote’s wrote his doctoral dissertation on “The Role of the Holy Spirit in Creation and History with special reference to Abraham Kuyper”. He is Professor of Theology at Wheaton College; Adjunct Professor at Fuller Theological Seminary (Summers).

Dr. Bacote has widely published on the theme of racism and slavery in critical conversation with the Neo-Calvinist tradition and the Kuyperian Heritage. Among his recent scholarly publications are:

  • “Kuyper and Race in the Stone Lectures”
  • “Reckoning with Race and Performing the Good News: In Search of a Better Evangelical Theology”
  • “Drawing from the Well: Learning from African American Christian Formation”

His forthcoming book is: “Eschatology and Ethics”.

Trouw – interview Vincent Bacote

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