Student Housing

Are you a student and looking for a room? See what TUU has to offer here!

Steve Bikostraat

TUU has purchased a large building on the Steve Bikostraat with the help of partners. There is room for 13 students there. Thijs and Marike Blok will be the core residents. The building has a garden, communal kitchens and a large living room. The intention is that mainly our international students will live in that building, but we can only realize that from the upcoming academic year.

The rooms that become available as of February 1 will initially be rented until July 31, 2025. The rent price is from about 600 euros per month, depending on the room and excusive gas/water/lighting/internet.

Christian community

Core residents Thijs and Marike Blok: “In Zambia we lived on a campus, which enriched our lives. It is very special that this Christian community has come our way. According to Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko (1946-1977) was “the spark that started a wildfire in South Africa. We are eager to see what fire we may kindle with each other.”

Are you interested in a room and living in a residential community? Then sign up using the form below!

Foto's Steve Bikostraat

Read more here about the Christian Student Housing Fund, a foundation that will work for Christian student housing and living communities in Utrecht.

  • © 2025 Theologische Universiteit Utrecht
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