Research Biblical Exegesis and Systematic Theology
The research group BEST (Biblical Exegesis and Systematic Theology) is the joint research group of TU Apeldoorn and Theological University Utrecht.
Biblical Exegesis and Systematic Theology is led by Prof. Dr. J.M. Burger. The focus of the research is on biblical studies and core themes of Reformed theology.
Within research group BEST, exegetes (Old and New Testament) and systematic theologians (especially dogmaticians) work together under the theme Discriminating Love. We look for the exciting sides of God’s love, which distinguishes (e.g. between his people and other nations), shows preference (expressed in election) and judgment. We want to explore how God’s distinctive love can be appreciated in light of the Reformed tradition. The interdisciplinary nature of BEST offers unique opportunities.
More information about this research group can be found on the website
Every week theologians of the research group BEST write a blog about theology and current affairs for the Nederlands Dagblad and the Friesch Dagblad. The purpose of the weblog is to show that theology does not take place in an ivory tower.
Research at TU is partly aligned with church and social practice or is done in cooperation with partners. Applied research takes place through, for example, the Practice Center (together with Viaa). Also consider here the Deddens Church Law Center (part of CCMW) and the Education & Identity Expertise Center (part of NRI).
Read more about our researchers and the research they do in our Research Portal.