Kooiman-Boendermaker Chair

Luther Kooiman Boendermaker Leerstoel

Prof. Sabine Hiebsch was appointed Extraordinary Professor at the Kooiman-Boendermaker Chair in Luther and the History of (Dutch) Lutheranism on October 31, 2017.

The title of her oration is: Luther and the Netherlands: past – present – future

The special chair was established at Utrecht Theological University because of the Kooiman-Boendermaker-Luther Foundation.

The Kooiman-Boendermaker-Luther Foundation aims to promote research, education and the dissemination of knowledge about Martin Luther and his theology, as well as about the history of Lutheranism in general and that of Lutheranism in the Netherlands in particular.

The chair is named after Prof. Dr. W.J. Kooiman (1903-1968) and Prof. Dr. J.P. Boendermaker (1925-2018), two renowned Luther researchers, who, in the second half of the 20th century, were pivotal to Dutch research on Luther and on the history of the Dutch Lutheran tradition.

The teaching mission of the Kooiman-Boendermaker Chair for Luther Research and the History of (Dutch) Lutheranism is to research, teach and valorize:

  1. Martin Luther’s theology and the traditions that were important to its origins.
  2. The reception of Luther’s theology and its development, especially in the Low Countries.
  3. The history of Dutch Lutheranism and the religious life of Lutheran congregations, also in their relation to worldwide Lutheranism.
  4. The relationship of Lutheranism to the other religious movements in the Netherlands, especially Reformed Protestantism.

The special chair is affiliated with the Center for Dutch Reformation Studies (CDRS) center of expertise.

  • © 2025 Theologische Universiteit Utrecht
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