Chair on Christian Philosophy

The special chair of Christian Philosophy was established by the Foundation for Christian Philosophy. The chair contributes to research, education and valorisation.On the one hand, attention is paid to the development of the systematics of the so-called ‘reformed philosophy’, partly in relation to systematic-theological questions, on the other hand, special attention is paid to the development of Christian worldview thinking in relation to profession and practice. In this, the chair functions as a connecting point in the international movement of Christian philosophy.

Since 1 September 2021, the special chair of Christian Philosophy has been held by Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan van der Stoep. Van der Stoep is also a special professor of Christian Philosophy at Wageningen University. The concept of stewardship is central to his teaching and research. From this central theme, he approaches sustainability issues, the ethics of food and agriculture and broader issues about Christian professionalism. From the chair, Van der Stoep is affiliated with the Neocalvinism Research Institute (NRI). The research at this chair is part of the NRI research programme on the vitality and impact of the neo-Calvinist tradition in science and society. The chair is focused on the further development of the philosophical part of this program.

Foundation for Christian Philosophy

The Foundation for Christian Philosophy aims to contribute to broad education from a Christian perspective, inspired by and standing in the tradition of Christian philosophy. Broad education means that we want to address transcendent questions. These are questions relating to meaning and significance, ethics and society.

In the case of questions that transcend disciplines, a philosophical perspective quickly comes into play. What assumptions underlie theories? How do you arrive at ethical judgements? Which sources have authority? Philosophy of life matters when seeking answers to these types of questions.

We draw on the broad tradition of Christian philosophy, from Aurelius Augustine to Herman Dooyeweerd and from Blaise Pascal to Marilynne Robinson. We are inspired by this and keep it alive by practicing Christian philosophy ourselves, based on the questions of our time.

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