Chair on Christian Ecological Thought

Ecological issues deserve more attention in the Dutch academic theological world. This is why the Martine Vonk Foundation, in cooperation with Utrecht Theological University, has taken the initiative to establish a special chair on Christian Ecological Thought. A minor in ecological theology has already been developed at this university. A chair will further help and deepen this reflection.

The special professor of Christian Ecological Thought is tasked with thinking through issues of ecology and justice. And sharing them with a wide audience. The role and task of the professor is also to inspire and equip students and pastors. In this way, the chair wants to contribute to knowledge and understanding of “the green heart of faith”. The professor should be someone who knows how to find his way to churches and Christians and how to present research results in such a way that they can be understood by everyone. They must be studies that are of real use to us in the field.

Dr. David Onnekink has held the chair in Christian Ecological Thinking since January 2024.

Martine Vonk Foundation

During her lifetime, environmentalist Martine Vonk (1974-2019) devoted herself tirelessly to Christian ecological thinking and action. In this she was a true pioneer and an inspiring example for many Christians. The Martine Vonk Foundation wants to build on her ideas so that caring for creation becomes natural for Christians.

With the chair, and perhaps other activities in the future, the foundation wants to promote Christian ecological thinking and action in churches, Christian communities, schools and organizations. For the way in which man relates to creation and to the God of creation demands new and radical thinking at this time of ecological crises.

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