Deddens Church Law Center

The Foundation “Prof. Detmer Deddens Church Law Center” (DKC) has been affiliated with the Theological University since 2002. The board of the foundation consists of: Wicher Deddens (chairman), Mr. Pieter T. Pel, Prof. Bernard P. Veldkamp. The board is supported by Mr. L.A. (Bert) Valkema. Director of the DKC is Prof. Dr. Leon van den Broeke.

Article 2 of the statutes provides insight into its objectives:

Article 2.

  1. The purpose of the foundation is: to promote the study and knowledge of church law, particularly Reformed church law.
  2. The foundation seeks to achieve its purpose by:
  • setting up and maintaining a Prof. Detmer Deddens Church Law Center – in which the books and documentation donated to the foundation by the founders of the foundation are housed – in the closed space agreed for that purpose with the Theological University of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, Broederweg 15 in Kampen, in the ‘Linneweeversgildehuys’, next to the Dr. R.J. Dam room;
  • managing, making accessible, completing and keeping up to date the collection mentioned under a. in the Center;
  • publicizing the existence and purpose of the Center;
  • to make a financial contribution to research for the benefit of a study to be published in the field of Reformed canon law, which will deepen the knowledge thereof;
  • whatever else may be deemed of importance to the knowledge of Reformed church law and to the practice of the life and coexistence of the Reformed churches at home and abroad.

Donations and bequests to the Deddens Foundation are tax deductible by virtue of its ANBI status.

More information can be found on the website

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