Premaster as minor
The premaster as a minor is specially developed as a supplement to a minor of 15 EC, in order to advance to one of our masters, but can also be followed independently.
The premaster supplement consists of 3 modules of 5 EC each: Old Testament, New Testament and Systematic Theology. You can follow these modules largely in guided self-study, at your convenience.
Premaster as minor (30-70 EC)
A premaster is a transition package between your (non-)theological HBO or WO education and a master at our university. You can take this linking package if you have already completed your other study (a long time ago), but you can also take it during your current study. In short, the premaster consists of:
20 EC (for one-year masters) or 60 EC (for preaching masters, including 30 EC biblical languages)Plus for general masters at least 10 EC elective modulesPlus for HBO students 10 EC Bachelor’s thesis to be combined with graduation work from your own institution graduation work.
For more information about the premaster, see premaster.
Entry requirements
If you are still pursuing your bachelor’s degree at another university or college, you can take the premaster program if you have completed the propaedeutic certificate of your bachelor’s degree or the first year. When entering the master’s program, however, you must have completed your bachelor’s degree.
Want to apply for a minor, or learn more? Contact the student advisor:
The pre-master’s as a minor always continues. You can register for the pre-master via