
You have a college degree in Theology under your belt and then you would like to further specialize at the academic level. Or you have a WO Bachelor’s degree outside Theology and want to broaden your knowledge. Then you are eligible for a premaster degree in Theology. Do you have an HBO bachelor’s degree outside of theology? Then you can only, under certain conditions, move on to the Master’s in Ethics (see below).

A premaster is a linking package between your HBO bachelor Theology or your university bachelor (also outside theology) and a master at our university. You can take this transition package if you have already completed your other degree program (a long time ago), but you can also take it during your current degree program. In short, the premaster consists of:

  • 30 EC (for one-year masters) or 60 EC (for preaching masters, including 30 EC Bible languages) Plus for HBO students 10 EC Bachelor’s thesis to be combined with graduation work from your own institution

Various packages can be viewed at the bottom of this page. Click here for the study guide of the Premaster Theology.

Tuition and study costs

As a premaster student, you will be enrolled as a switching student. For this, you will pay a tuition fee per credit. If you want to know more about tuition fees, click here. You only pay this fee once, you can re-register for the 2nd premaster year free of charge.

If you follow the premaster during another program, in most cases you will not pay tuition fees, but you will enter with a BBC (Proof of Paid Tuition Fees), which you can get from your education administration.

Admission and enrollment

To be admitted to the premaster program, you must have earned an HBO or WO pre-master’s degree or have completed the first year. To advance to a master’s program after the premaster, you must have the following:

  • a Dutch HBO bachelor’s degree in Theology (Religious Pastoral Work, Religious Studies Teacher) or
  • a Dutch WO bachelor’s degree, or
  • a foreign university degree of a level comparable to a Dutch university bachelor’s degree.

You can also enter the Ethics master’s program with an HBO bachelor’s degree in health care, education, or other related disciplines. The admissions committee will assess your eligibility. If you would like more information, please contact the student advisor: .

Schedule and study load.

The regular modules of the Theology premaster are taught on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays. Elective modules may also be taught on Mondays. In most cases, you will take classes together with our bachelor students. In addition to these teaching hours, you will spend time on self-study: for example, studying texts, preparing for exams and writing papers and reports. You can follow the premaster program full-time (1 year) or part-time (2 years). The study load depends on the number of credits (ECs) of your premaster and your choice for full-time or part-time. One EC equals 28 hours of study. For example, for a premaster Theology of 30 EC, full-time, you should take into account a study load of about 20 hours per week.

Practical Information

  • You follow lectures with the bachelor students
  • Lectures are on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays This does not apply to the languages, which are given on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (Languages can also be given via the PThU)
  • For fees see lecture fees
  • Maximum of 2 years, 2nd year free re-enrollment
  • You can register via
  • Then always through the admissions committee, which determines your specific package
  • At registration we need these documents: please send them to
  1. A recent CV with completed studies, work and internship experiences
  2. Copies of relevant diplomas and mark lists
  3. Copy of identity document
  4. Official passport photo
  • © 2025 Theologische Universiteit Utrecht
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