
Weetwatjegelooft.nl is the online platform for Christians who want to deepen their understanding of the Bible, Believing and Being Church in view of the daily practice of life. Through this website, Utrecht Theological University, together with partners such as the Academy of Theology of Viaa University of Applied Sciences in Zwolle, shares its knowledge with churches and the wider society.

Knowledge Platform

The current offering of low-threshold, compact video lessons on a variety of faith themes has developed from the AKZ+ lectures organized since 2010. There are now over 400 videos and podcasts online and Weetwatjegelooft.nl publishes about forty new lessons per year. In addition, regular seminars and (online) courses are organized.

Video lessons

Video lessons on Weetwatjegelooft.nl are suitable for personal formation as well as for equipping groups. Think of home and Bible circles, church council meetings, preparation for sermons and meditations, catechesis, support of pastoral and diaconal teams or personal (Bible) study. Weetwatjegelooft.nl is for everyone who wants to deepen his/her understanding of faith, church and the Bible: from students to retired people, involved in youth work, catechesis or church council work in your congregation or just out of interest.

Questions and requests

Learning is something you do together. Therefore, there is plenty of room for asking questions in response to the videos. Furthermore, Weetwatjegelooft.nl is happy to receive requests for online courses and lessons on topics that are relevant to your congregation. Weetwatjegelooft.nl thus provides access to that knowledge and expertise that you personally or as a congregation need.


Weetwatjegelooft.nl wants reliable Bible knowledge and faith formation to be available to everyone. The video lessons have therefore been free to view since May 1, 2019. This means that Weetwatjegelooft.nl depends on funds and donations for the development of new video lessons and the maintenance of the website. Do you care about our work? Transfer your donation (tax-deductible) to NL39ABNA04282375 92, in the name of Theological University, stating ‘gift WWJG’ or use the donation form. Very welcome!


p/a Theological University Utrecht
Attn: Margriet Westers
Plompetorengracht 3
3512 CA Utrecht
Tel. 085-3410200

Bank details: NL39 ABNA 0428 2375 92, t.n.v. Theological University
Chamber of Commerce number: 08191312
RSIN: 818513263, Theological University of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (liberated)

Read more on the website of Weetwatjegelooft.nl.

  • © 2025 Theologische Universiteit Utrecht
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