Continuing Education for Pastors (PEP)
Continuing Education for Pastors (PEP) is an educational program at Utrecht Theological University for theological professionals: pastors, church workers, spiritual caregivers and others, with an emphasis on those working in the church.
As a theologian working in a congregation, you are committed to Word proclamation, pastoral care and other tasks in the church. You do this work in a congregation at the center of society. As with many other professions, the variety and development of this work require ongoing learning development.
Continuing Education for Pastors (PEP) inspires and supports pastors and other theological professionals through a diverse range of theological courses, trainings, study days, conferences and the like at the academic level.
For beginning pastors is its own prescribed post-initial training, the PE track. With the merger of GKV and NGK, the continuing education tracks for beginning pastors of both churches were merged and reconstituted into one track with academic training and mentoring.
PEP is an educational program of Utrecht Theological University. Participants from all church denominations are warmly welcome. PEP study activities can be participated in by PKN pastors as part of study leave under their own direction within the PE.
Contact information
Continuing education for pastors
p/a Theological University Utrecht
Attn: Margriet Westers
Plompetorengracht 3
3512 CA Utrecht
Tel. (during office hours): 085-3410200
Bank details: NL39 ABNA 0428 2375 92, in the name of Theological University.
KvK number: 08191312
Read here more on the website of PEP.