Entrepreneurs network Theological University Utrecht
The Theological University Utrecht thanks entrepreneurs for involvement, participation, inspiration and hospitality! Hereby a look back at meetings and an invitation for the upcoming entrepreneurial tables. We would like to hear what you are doing and offer a networking opportunity to meet other Christian entrepreneurs.
On February 15, 2023 we were guests at the Lunterse Boer in the woods near Lunteren. We organized an inspiration session with Lunterse entrepreneur mr. Giel Stomphorst of Stomphorst Fiscaal Raadgevers. Giel is a tax lawyer, expert in the field of the Natuurschoonwet and on the relationship between families and businesses. That looks at family businesses as well as estate families. Giel looks beyond fiscal-legal solutions, but above all wants to see people in relation to other people in the business. The theme Giel had chosen for his inspiration session was Horizontal frenzy and vertical connection: A search for spirituality in the frenzy of entrepreneurship.
On March 21, 2023, we welcomed to Zoutelande the home of Wil and Karin Wouters-Kleinepier. They told about the start and end of their entrepreneurial activities. Mr. Wil Wouters was founder and owner of Wouters Belastingadvies in Meliskerke. Karin Wouters-Kleinepier was the owner of Camping Weltevreden for many years. Her grandparents started this campsite in the dunes of Zoutelande after World War II. Their stories about starting and ending entrepreneurial activities also illuminated something about meaning, how you stand in life as an entrepreneur. In short, it was about what your company is on earth for.
In his contribution on June 15, 2023 at Utrecht Theological University, location Utrecht, Arjan Jonker took us to his theme: Change because it has to: The sense and nonsense of change management.
Drs. Arjan Jonker is senior project and program manager. He has been leading projects at the intersection of Business and IT since 1989. First at PostNL, then at a consultancy firm. In 2001, together with Gerard Meijer, he started a project management company: KWD Result Management. KWD stands for ability, willingness and courage. A pragmatic vision of project and program management. Since 2023, KWD has been sold to Conclusion.
Arjan highlighted the topic of change management from the question of how do we change wisely? From the case “a new factory for KLM Catering Services” Arjan elaborated on the phenomenon of change management.
Irrigation, sustainability and climate
The business activities of entrepreneur Arie-Jan Broere brought us to the Bloemendaalseweg in Waddinxveen on September 14, 2023. There Jan-Arie has established his company Broere Beregening. Arie-Jan explained how irrigation works in relation to soil conditions, the amount of precipitation or drought and also focused on this in concrete terms by showing completed projects. https://www.broereberegening.nl/
This also gave us a nice and substantive discussion about climate and sustainability based on Arie’s theme: Our (business) footprint and theology. There also lies a nice line to the new chair at TUU of Prof. David Onnekink, the new professor of Christian Ecological Thinking. https://tuu.nl/medewerkers/david-onnekink/
On Wednesday, December 6, American public theologian Matthew Kaemingk was our guest https://www.matthewkaemingk.com/. He was in the Netherlands where, among other things, he delivered the Dies speech on the occasion of the anniversary (Dies) of TUU in the Janskerk in Utrecht. He also gave a course and acted jok with former ChristenUnie party leader Gert-Jan Segers. In a meeting with the TUU Executive Board, we talked about Matthew’s work on the Work and Worship project based on his book of the same title. Matthew seeks to connect Sunday liturgy with work in this book and in his work with Christian faith communities and entrepreneurs.
Planning 2024
- June 6, 2024 Utrecht PTG
- September 30 middle of the country
- December 4 Dies Entrepreneurial Table Utrecht
Other meetings
As entrepreneurs, you are also welcome to attend TUU’s academic ceremonies. For that, you can follow TUU’s agenda on the website.
Here we point out the opening of the academic year on September 5, 2024 and the Dies (birthday) of TUU on Friday, December 6. Then TUU will award honorary doctorates to two people.