Study Association Ayin

Studievereniging Ayin logo

Welcome to the study association of the Theological University of Utrecht.

The study association is called: עין = Ayin.

‘But it is as it is written, What eye has not seen, nor ear heard, what has not entered into a human heart, that God has destined for those who love Him.’ 1 Corinthians 2:9 (HSV)

The student association Ayin believes that a theologian develops only when he is in contact with other (future) theologians and when they begin to reflect together on theological issues. Ayin is therefore committed to connecting (future) theologians with each other so that one can achieve personal formation and deepening. The student association Ayin knows itself called by God to seek the diversity within the Christian faith and is open to other perspectives.


The board for the next 2 years will consist of three members being:

    • Praeses (president) – Janine Lemans
    • Abactis – (secretary) – Carlijn van der Hart

The board members will provide the daily management of the study association. They are accountable to the University Board.

They will take care of the following:

  • Taking notes of meetings
  • Registration of members
  • Organizing the activities
  • Making an annual schedule
  • Communication to teachers and students
  • Communication via social media
  • Maintaining the website and social media


The following activities Ayin Study Association plans to organize to achieve its goal:

  • Lectures by theologians and other scholars
  • Bible study with fellow students
  • Sermon discussion
  • Meals and drinks evenings: meeting between students and teachers
  • Theme evenings with discussion (discussion evenings)
  • Outings (Visits of other churches, lectures to other believers, cultural sights)
  • Study circle around the subject matter
  • © 2025 Theologische Universiteit Utrecht
Good day, what are you looking for?