Board and Organization

The governance and organization of Utrecht Theological University lies with the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board, the Advisory Board and the University Council.

Executive Board

First, the day-to-day management of the Theological University lies with the Executive Board. This consists of drs J.W. (Pim) Boven (chairman) and rector magnificus Prof. Dr. George Harinck (member).

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is primarily charged with supervising the execution of activities and the exercise of powers by and on behalf of the Board of Governors. The Supervisory Board is bound by the Code of Good Governance for Universities.

The members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the General Synod of the Reformed Churches and the National Assembly of the Dutch Reformed Churches.

The Supervisory Board is charged with supervising the execution of activities and also the exercise of powers by and on behalf of the Board of Governors.

The General Synod and the National Assembly have jointly appointed five persons as members of the Supervisory Board of TU Utrecht (as of December 12, 2020). These are S.J. (José) Geertsema (MBA), Prof. Dr. J.E. (Jacqueline) van Muijlwijk-Koezen, Rev. A. (Arjan) Koster (secretary), J. ( Jan) Westert (chairman) and Drs. J. (Jan ) Dijk.

Documents for the Supervisory Board should be addressed to the university address. If you wish to e-mail the Supervisory Board, please send a message to e-mail address:

For a profile for members of the Supervisory Board look below.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board assists the Board of Trustees with respect to oversight of the Reformed character and scholarly level of education, research and knowledge exchange.

The Advisory Board assists the Board of Trustees with respect to oversight of the identity and ecclesiastical relevance of education, research and knowledge exchange. Members of the Advisory Board are appointed by the General Synod of the Reformed Churches and the National Assembly of the Dutch Reformed Churches. Documents for the Advisory Council should be addressed to the address of the university.

The Advisory Council was appointed at a joint meeting of the General Synod and the National Assembly on December 12, 2020. The Council consists of Rev. P. (Pieter) van den Berg, Dr. P. (Pieter) Boonstra, Dr. G. (Geert) van Dijk, Prof. Dr. J.E. (Jacqueline) van Muijlwijk-Koezen, Dr. J.H. Soepenberg, Prof. Dr. B.P. (Bernard) Veldkamp.

If you would like to email the curatorium, please send a message to

If you would like to see a profile for members of the Advisory Board, please see downloads below.

University Council

The University Council (UR) is one of the two controlling bodies within the Theological University. Whereas the Supervisory Board provides external supervision, the UR does so internally. It acts on behalf of the university’s staff and students. To implement this supervision, the UR meets regularly with the Executive Board. For some matters the Executive Board needs the UR’s consent, for many others it needs its advice. The task and functioning of the UR are described in detail in the University Council Regulations.

The University Council meets every month with the exception of vacations. These meetings are open to the public unless otherwise indicated.

The Council consists of two sections, staff and students, with three members each. The council is led by the Executive Board, consisting of a president and a secretary.

Staff section

Student section


If you would like to get in touch with the University Council, please send an email to

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