Guest lecture Dr. Chris James

6 juli 2023

On july 6 2023, dr. Chris James will be giving a guest lecture at the Theological University Kampen.

Dr. Chris James is a very engaged teacher and researcher at University of Dubuque (Iowa). He is Professor of Evangelism and Missional Christianity, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. He teaches courses in church planting and theology and culture and directs the Master of Arts in Mission and Discipleship. James has written a number of scholarly books on mission in secular contexts (Church Planting in Post-Christian Soil: Theology and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2017)). This book has received multiple recognitions. He is currently engaged in research into the ecclesial ecology in Dane County, Wisconsin in partnership with researchers. They are doing parellel studies in Amsterdam and Vancouver, BC. In addition, James oversees three Lilly endowment grant projects supporting, respectively, thriving pastors, churches and seminaries. 

dr. Chris James.

End of June till end of July, he will be visiting the Theological University Kampen. He will conduct research – but he will also give a guest lecture. As he is writing a new book on the future of the Church, entitled Reseeding Church: Orientation, Grounding and Direction for the Decades to Come, he will talk to us about that.

Everyone is welcome to attent this guest lecture by dr. Christ James, 2023 Thursday July 6, 12.30-14.30. Location: Broederweg 15, Kampen.

From 15.00 onwards, the TU will hold its final and last chapel at Broederweg Kampen, so this timeslot might be quite convenient if you wanted to attend this as well.

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